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Top 10 # The World’s Most Unique Buildings

Cubic Houses, The Netherlands

These interesting Cubic Houses by Piet Bloom have this shape because Bloom was tasked to build houses over an existing pedestrian bridge.  It’s like those houses are peering into the dwellers.

Nord LB Building, Germany

This building that looks like a futuristic factory seems to defy gravity!  We wonder if people actually want to position themselves at the edges.

House Attack, Austria

Is this a Wizard of Oz flying house gone wrong?  Actually, this is the installation at the biggest art museum in Austria designed by Erwin Wurm.

Toilet-Shaped House, South Korea

In South Korea, you can find this home shaped like a toilet.  This was made by Sim Jae-Duck, chair of the committee that organized the inaugural general assembly of the World Toilet Association.

Dancing House, Czech Republic

True to its name, the Dancing House at Prague looks like it’s doing a backward dip!  Also known as the Fred and Ginger Building (for obvious reasons), this is actually the Nationale-Nederlanden Building at Prague, Czech Republic.  This very fluid building was created in 1992 and finished in 1996.

Basket Building, U.S.A.

With this Basket Building in the U.S.A., you’ll always feel like you’re going on a picnic!

India Tower, India

Reminiscent of The Two Towers in The Lord of the Rings trilogy, this tower in Mumbai is actually environmentally friendly.  To be completed in 2016, the building symbolizes the country’s step towards helping the environment by using natural ventilation and lighting and recycling rainwater.

Ferdinand Cheval Palace, France

This unique building in France was from the collection of Ferdinand Cheval, which he gathered for 33 years.  Based on legend, he initially carried the stones in his pocket, and then a basket and a wheelbarrow.  To build this, he worked nightly by the light of the oil lamps.

Cor, U.S.A.

Another building created for energy efficiency, this Miami building’s bubble-like holes actually have garden terraces and wind turbines!

Piano and Violin Building, China

Patently inspired by music, this building was built in 2007 and was meant to promote a newly developed area.  It is beautiful during the day and spectacular at night, as it uses bright lights.

Nautilus House, Mexico

The Nautilus House in Mexico is a shell shaped house built by Javier Senosiain, a Mexican architect in 2006.  Meant to focus on the harmony of nature, it kind of gives us a feeling of a Hobbit House on acid.



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